
      納米科學技術是多學科交叉融合的智慧結(jié)晶,也是未來變革性技術的源泉。《中國納米科學 2035 發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略》包括納米科學的戰(zhàn)略地位、納米科學的發(fā)展規(guī)律與發(fā)展態(tài)勢、納米科學的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展布局、納米科學的發(fā)展目標及其實現(xiàn)途徑,系統(tǒng)分析了納米科學的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與態(tài)勢,總結(jié)了納米科學的發(fā)展思路與發(fā)展方向,并提出了我國相應的優(yōu)先發(fā)展領域和政策建議。


      黨的二十大勝利召開,吹響了以中國式現(xiàn)代化全面推進中華民族偉大復興的前進號角。習近平總書記強調(diào)“教育、科技、人才是全面建設社會主義現(xiàn)代化國家的基礎性、戰(zhàn)略性支撐”,明確要求到 2035 年要建成教育強國、科技強國、人才強國。新時代新征程對科技界提出了更高的要求。當前,世界科學技術發(fā)展日新月異,不斷開辟新的認知疆域,并成為帶動經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展的核心變量,新一輪科技革命和產(chǎn)業(yè)變革正處于蓄勢躍遷、快速迭代的關鍵階段。開展面向 2035 年的中國學科及前沿領域發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究,緊扣國家戰(zhàn)略需求,研判科技發(fā)展大勢,擘畫戰(zhàn)略、錨定方向,找準學科發(fā)展路徑與方向,找準科技創(chuàng)新的主攻方向和突破口,對于實現(xiàn)全面建成社會主義現(xiàn)代化“兩步走”戰(zhàn)略目標具有重要意義。




      作為國家在科學技術方面最高咨詢機構的中國科學院和國家支持基礎研究主渠道的國家自然科學基金委員會(簡稱自然科學基金委),在夯實學科基礎、加強學科建設、引領科學研究發(fā)展方面擔負著重要的責任。早在新中國成立初期,中國科學院學部即組織全國有關專家研究編制了《1956—1967 年科學技術發(fā)展遠景規(guī)劃》。該規(guī)劃的實施,實現(xiàn)了“兩彈一星”研制等一系列重大突破,為新中國逐步形成科學技術研究體系奠定了基礎。自然科學基金委自成立以來,通過學科發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究,服務于科學基金的資助與管理,不斷夯實國家知識基礎,增進基礎研究面向國家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科學基金委和中國科學院聯(lián)合啟動了“2011—2020 年中國學科發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究”。2012 年,雙方形成聯(lián)合開展學科發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究的常態(tài)化機制,持續(xù)研判科技發(fā)展態(tài)勢,為我國科技創(chuàng)新領域的方向選擇提供科學思想、路徑選擇和跨越的藍圖。

      聯(lián)合開展“中國學科及前沿領域發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究(2021—2035)”,是中國科學院和自然科學基金委落實新時代“兩步走”戰(zhàn)略的具體實踐。我們面向 2035 年國家發(fā)展目標,結(jié)合科技發(fā)展新特征,進行了系統(tǒng)設計,從三個方面組織研究工作:一是總論研究,對面向2035 年的中國學科及前沿領域發(fā)展進行了概括和論述,內(nèi)容包括學科的歷史演進及其發(fā)展的驅(qū)動力、前沿領域的發(fā)展特征及其與社會的關聯(lián)、學科與前沿領域的區(qū)別和聯(lián)系、世界科學發(fā)展的整體態(tài)勢,并匯總了各個學科及前沿領域的發(fā)展趨勢、關鍵科學問題和重點方向;二是自然科學基礎學科研究,主要針對科學基金資助體系中的重點學科開展戰(zhàn)略研究,內(nèi)容包括學科的科學意義與戰(zhàn)略價值、發(fā)展規(guī)律與研究特點、發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展態(tài)勢、發(fā)展思路與發(fā)展方向、資助機制與政策建議等;三是前沿領域研究,針對尚未形成學科規(guī)模、不具備明確學科屬性的前沿交叉、新興和關鍵核心技術領域開展戰(zhàn)略研究,內(nèi)容包括相關領域的戰(zhàn)略價值、關鍵科學問題與核心技術問題、我國在相關領域的研究基礎與條件、我國在相關領域的發(fā)展思路與政策建議等。

      三年多來,400 多位院士、3000 多位專家,圍繞總論、數(shù)學等18 個學科和量子物質(zhì)與應用等 19 個前沿領域問題,堅持突出前瞻布局、補齊發(fā)展短板、堅定創(chuàng)新自信、統(tǒng)籌分工協(xié)作的原則,開展了深入全面的戰(zhàn)略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共識性結(jié)論。一是國家戰(zhàn)略需求和技術要素成為當前學科及前沿領域發(fā)展的主要驅(qū)動力之一。有組織的科學研究及源于技術的廣泛帶動效應,實質(zhì)化地推動了學科前沿的演進,夯實了科技發(fā)展的基礎,促進了人才的培養(yǎng),并衍生出更多新的學科生長點。二是學科及前沿領域的發(fā)展促進深層次交叉融通。學科及前沿領域的發(fā)展越來越呈現(xiàn)出多學科相互滲透的發(fā)展態(tài)勢。某一類學科領域采用的研究策略和技術體系所產(chǎn)生的基礎理論與方法論成果,可以作為共同的知識基礎適用于不同學科領域的多個研究方向。三是科研范式正在經(jīng)歷深刻變革。解決系統(tǒng)性復雜問題成為當前科學發(fā)展的主要目標,導致相應的研究內(nèi)容、方法和范疇等的改變,形成科學研究的多層次、多尺度、動態(tài)化的基本特征。數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動的科研模式有力地推動了新時代科研范式的變革。四是科學與社會的互動更加密切。發(fā)展學科及前沿領域愈加重要,與此同時,“互聯(lián)網(wǎng) +”正在改變科學交流生態(tài),并且重塑了科學的邊界,開放獲取、開放科學、公眾科學等都使得越來越多的非專業(yè)人士有機會參與到科學活動中來。

      “中國學科及前沿領域發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中國學科及前沿領域 2035 發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略叢書”的形式出版,納入“國家科學思想庫 - 學術引領系列”陸續(xù)出版。希望本叢書的出版,能夠為科技界、產(chǎn)業(yè)界的專家學者和技術人員提供研究指引,為科研管理部門提供決策參考,為科學基金深化改革、“十四五”發(fā)展規(guī)劃實施、國家科學政策制定提供有力支撐。




    2023 年 3 月            


      納米科學技術是多學科交叉融合的智慧結(jié)晶,也是未來變革性技術的源泉,已成為國際上競相爭奪的戰(zhàn)略制高點。納米科技以其交叉性、基礎性、引領性和變革性的特征,帶動多個學科和前沿領域的快速發(fā)展,成為推動科學發(fā)展的新引擎。21 世紀,人工智能、大數(shù)據(jù)、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)、移動通信等各類前沿技術,無不是以納米科技作為基本的底層技術支撐。全球主要國家都進行了戰(zhàn)略布局。

      納米科技已經(jīng)成為我國在基礎前沿領域和變革性關鍵技術取得領先的重大機遇。我國納米科技研究幾乎與世界同時起步,經(jīng)歷了近 40 年的發(fā)展,取得了世界矚目的突出成就。為了進一步提升我國納米科技的發(fā)展水平,面向世界之大變局和未來挑戰(zhàn),本書總結(jié)已經(jīng)取得的成績和存在的問題,明確未來 10~15 年納米科技戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展的重點和前沿。

      本書根據(jù)中科院和自然科學基金委的部署,對納米科技的發(fā)展,納米科技基礎研究和人才培養(yǎng),提出了具有可實現(xiàn)性的發(fā)展建議。內(nèi)容主要包括納米學科的戰(zhàn)略地位、發(fā)展規(guī)律和發(fā)展態(tài)勢、發(fā)展目標及途徑、優(yōu)先發(fā)展領域和重大交叉領域、國際合作與交流、未來發(fā)展的保障措施等方面。內(nèi)容體現(xiàn)了發(fā)展規(guī)劃戰(zhàn)略研究工作方案的要求,圍繞未來 10~15 年我國納米科學的總體發(fā)展態(tài)勢,從納米學科的研究特點和基本狀況出發(fā),分析和辨識我國納米學科重要方向所處的發(fā)展階段,提出未來的發(fā)展目標及發(fā)展方向。旨在為我國納米科技研究未來的發(fā)展提供參考。

      在編寫本書的過程中,多個領域的三十余位專家組成了研究組和秘書組,對書稿進行了認真、細致、系統(tǒng)討論。① 專家咨詢和調(diào)研階段。第一次全體會議(2019 年 9 月 16 日)上本項目研究啟動,明確了書稿中納米科技研究的十個方向:新材料、跨尺度研究、自組裝與仿生、納米催化、納米表界面、納米器件與傳感技術、極限測量技術、納米理論、納米生物醫(yī)學和納米技術變革性應用,并確定了各個方向的調(diào)研小組。調(diào)研小組分別就不同方向的國際國內(nèi)發(fā)展規(guī)律、發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、發(fā)展布局、發(fā)展方向、優(yōu)先發(fā)展領域與重大交叉研究領域、國際合作與交流、未來發(fā)展的保障措施進行了調(diào)研,并形成初稿。第二次和第三次全體會議(2019年 9 月 26 日和 2019 年 10 月 14 日)對本書的建議稿進行了認真評議,在此基礎上,研究組對內(nèi)容進行了反復修改和完善,最終形成了正式內(nèi)容;2020 年上半年將修改的書稿在線上征求專家意見;2020 年下半年,根據(jù)要求,進一步請各領域?qū)<已a充相關材料。② 匯報階段。2019 年 10 月 30 日在自然科學基金委第 246 期雙清論壇進行了初期匯報;2020 年 1 月 20 日,中科院學部召開了聯(lián)合啟動會,明確了工作部署;2020 年 10 月 20 日,在自然科學基金委化學科學部進行了中期匯報,并根據(jù)意見提交匯報材料;2021 年 1~8 月,與科學出版社溝通書稿進展及各項體例安排,對書稿進行完善,并進行英文翻譯,形成了出版審讀稿,提交科學出版社審閱;2021 年10 月下旬,在自然科學基金委化學科學部專家咨詢委員會八屆四次會議做了結(jié)題匯報,通過專家論證(專家認為研究工作高質(zhì)量完成,并達到出版水平)。書稿執(zhí)筆人根據(jù)專家意見進行了后續(xù)補充修訂,并于 2022 年 3 月提交了出版終稿。

      本書在研究和編著過程中,得到了諸多專家的大力支持,他們?yōu)楸緯恼{(diào)研和組稿等做出了重要貢獻;此外還得到很多同行的幫助,在此致以衷心的感謝!本書根據(jù) 2021~2035 年國家中長期基礎科學發(fā)展的總體目標,總結(jié)成績,分析現(xiàn)狀,重視問題,提出未來10~15 年納米科學優(yōu)先領域發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,以及優(yōu)化基金資助和管理的政策措施,為推動我國納米基礎研究取得重大突破,促進納米學科的交叉融合和均衡發(fā)展提供方案參考。


    《中國納米科學 2035 發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略》編寫組組長

    2022 年 3 月 30 日



      納米科學是多學科交叉融合的智慧結(jié)晶,也是未來變革性技術的源泉,已成為國際上競相爭奪的戰(zhàn)略制高點。納米科技以其交叉性、基礎性、引領性和變革性的特征,帶動多個學科和前沿領域的快速發(fā)展,成為推動科學發(fā)展的新引擎。在科學前沿層面,納米科學匯聚了化學、物理、生物、材料等學科領域在納米尺度的焦點科學問題,成為現(xiàn)代科學最活躍的前沿研究領域,在基礎科學中起到創(chuàng)新性、引領性、穿透性和帶動性的作用。Elsevier 的統(tǒng)計和分析表明,納米科學與各個基礎學科交叉融合,帶動了基礎學科的發(fā)展;納米研究文獻廣泛覆蓋了近年來全球前沿研究主題,近 5 年,全球最受關注的研究主題中有九成與納米相關。近 20 年,納米科學的產(chǎn)出呈爆發(fā)式增長,納米文獻的增速是全球文獻增速的 3.2 倍,從事納米相關研究的科研工作者數(shù)量也顯著增長。

      在技術前沿層面,納米科技對產(chǎn)業(yè)的顛覆性和變革性特征凸顯,成為技術變革和產(chǎn)業(yè)升級的重要源頭,并極大地改變了人類的生活方式。納米科技帶來了量子加密材料、行星探測傳感器、柔性電子材料、新型半導體加工技術和可穿戴人工腎臟等顛覆性技術創(chuàng)新;新冠疫情以來,新型納米材料和技術在防護口罩、防護服、檢測試劑等研發(fā)中實現(xiàn)了重要應用。未來 10~15 年,納米科技將深度應用于信息、能源、環(huán)保、生物醫(yī)學、制造、國防等領域,形成基于納米技術的新興產(chǎn)業(yè)。

      在國家戰(zhàn)略層面,全球主要國家和經(jīng)濟體相繼布局,把納米科技作為未來科技、工業(yè)和經(jīng)濟領域競爭的制高點。發(fā)達國家希望通過納米科技引領下一次產(chǎn)業(yè)革命;發(fā)展中國家則借此獲得跨越發(fā)展的機遇。美國于 21 世紀初啟動國家納米技術計劃(NNI);歐盟在框架計劃 FP6、FP7 和地平線計劃中一直部署納米基礎研究;日本在第二~五期科學技術基本計劃中,連續(xù)將納米科學確定為優(yōu)先領域。目前,我國納米科技研究已進入世界先進行列,成為我國最有希望實現(xiàn)跨越發(fā)展的領域之一。因此,納米科技已經(jīng)成為我國在基礎前沿和變革性關鍵技術領域取得領先的重大機遇。我國納米科技研究幾乎與世界同時起步,經(jīng)歷了近 40 年的發(fā)展,取得了世界矚目的突出成就。黨的十八大以來,我國納米科技發(fā)展緊密圍繞四個面向,取得了從基礎理論到應用實踐的多項原始創(chuàng)新,在抗擊新冠疫情、航空航天、國防安全等方面,發(fā)揮了堅實作用。我國納米科學研究機構的國際競爭力穩(wěn)步提高,據(jù)自然指數(shù)(Nature Index)排名,高質(zhì)量納米科學研究產(chǎn)出前 100 位的機構大多來自美、中這兩個納米科學研究大國。全國科技創(chuàng)新大會等明確指出納米科技的創(chuàng)新發(fā)展為我國成為一個有世界影響的大國奠定了重要基礎。


      1. 新材料領域


      未來 10~15 年,納米新材料領域需重點布局:① 結(jié)合理論模擬精確構建納米材料新結(jié)構體系,發(fā)展團簇新結(jié)構、拓撲電子材料、新型碳結(jié)構、稀土功能材料、無機超導新結(jié)構等高新性能材料。②構建納米新材料的精準合成方法學,控制合成過程中相互作用力、表界面行為、成核過程、限域行為等,實現(xiàn)分子原子級控制,獲得核心關鍵材料的可控合成,構筑實用的新材料體系。③ 系統(tǒng)研究納米材料表面態(tài)、體態(tài)與基本物性之間的關聯(lián)規(guī)律,獲得其本征物性的決定性影響規(guī)律,結(jié)合理論計算發(fā)現(xiàn)新功能納米材料體系。④ 加強我國現(xiàn)有的典型代表性材料研究,以國家重大需求為導向,放量制備裝備。

      2. 跨尺度領域

      納米科學技術的發(fā)展始于尺寸效應的研究。到目前為止,已發(fā)展了以量子尺寸效應為代表的半導體納米晶體系,以富勒烯、Au 團簇等為代表的具有精確原子結(jié)構的團簇體系,并系統(tǒng)研究了構效關系。然而,對于團簇與單分散納米晶體之間如何過渡、原子 / 分子聚集體如何實現(xiàn)量變過程到質(zhì)變過程的轉(zhuǎn)化等科學問題,尚缺乏系統(tǒng)性研究。近年來,隨著亞納米尺度材料等新興方向和冷凍電鏡等技術的發(fā)展,已具備了開展跨尺度研究的條件。我國科學家在納米團簇控制合成及表征、亞納米尺度材料概念及合成方法等方向擁有良好的研究基礎。

      未來可重點布局的方向包括:① 亞納米尺度材料合成方法學及構效關系研究;② 納米團簇—亞納米尺度材料—單分散納米晶跨尺度可控合成、組裝及構效關系的全鏈條研究;③ 跨尺度理論模擬。

      3. 自組裝與仿生領域


      未來 10~15 年,自組裝與仿生領域需重點布局:① 在對自然生物材料深入解析的基礎上,獲取自然生物材料的構效關系,提取有效的仿生原理。② 在分子層次上,自下而上地設計和合成組裝基元,實現(xiàn)在尺度、空間和組裝過程乃至時間順序上程序化調(diào)控納米結(jié)構單元的組裝方式、構型和序列,構筑多層次多維度的組裝結(jié)構。③ 在宏觀層次上,以功能為導向?qū)崿F(xiàn)自組裝材料從結(jié)構仿生到功能仿生的構筑,如手性自組裝材料及表界面仿生材料等。④ 從非活性組裝體到生命活性的多功能自組裝結(jié)構的構筑,真正實現(xiàn)材料的智能化、實用化。⑤ 發(fā)展高效的仿生制備技術,實現(xiàn)具有實用價值的新型仿生材料的宏量構筑。

      4. 納米催化領域


      未來,納米催化領域需重點布局:① 基于單原子催化、限域催化、仿生催化、多位點協(xié)同催化的新型催化劑體系設計和反應體系研究。② 跨尺度催化研究,包括從原子級分散、團簇、納米晶到多級結(jié)構的跨尺度催化材料的設計和制備。③ 真實反應條件下的表征和催化性能研究,包括真實反應條件下從宏觀(結(jié)構統(tǒng)計分析)到微觀(原子分子層面)的催化劑結(jié)構表征和結(jié)構重構研究。④ 針對新型能源小分子(如氫氣)以及構建高值化學品的小分子(如 CH4,CO,CO2,N2)的催化活化轉(zhuǎn)化過程。

      5. 表界面研究


      未來可重點布局的方向包括:① 納米表界面結(jié)構化學—發(fā)展具原子精度的模型納米材料體系,系統(tǒng)梳理不同納米材料的表界面結(jié)構化學;② 納米表界面化學反應機制研究—在分子層面上理解納米材料的表界面微觀化學過程,以實現(xiàn)對納米材料化學性能的精準調(diào)控。

      6. 納米器件與傳感領域

      納米器件方面,光電子技術在 2000 年之后取得飛速發(fā)展,經(jīng)歷了從單元器件到規(guī)模化集成的技術過渡,目前大規(guī)模光電子集成器件及芯片已經(jīng)成為國際競爭最激烈的領域之一。我國面臨著巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。我國集成光電子器件及芯片進口額巨大,是我國第一大進口商品。我國在基礎單元器件方面積累了一定的經(jīng)驗與技術;但是,綜合技術十分薄弱。

      因此,未來既要加強單元器件的研制,也要布局集成器件的整鏈開發(fā),為國家提供技術儲備。納米器件研究需重點布局:建立國家重大需求牽引,涵蓋基礎與應用研究相結(jié)合的整體布局,包括納米感知材料、納米效應、納米器件結(jié)構,并且融合納米能源一體化技術、多源融合辨識以及納米加工等,形成完整的研發(fā)體系。要解決的科學問題有:① 研究納米器件中物理、化學與生物特性,建立相應的分析、仿真與測試評價方法,探索器件中的納米效應相關基礎科學問題;② 研究通過控制納米材料結(jié)構、器件工藝等調(diào)控納米效應,實現(xiàn)優(yōu)異的納米器件功能與傳感特性,建立從納米效應到器件的橋梁。


      未來納米傳感技術研究應重點布局:① 實現(xiàn)傳感活性材料和結(jié)構的精確組裝與調(diào)控,構筑具有特定解耦功能的感知材料;② 建立納米尺度的新型仿真方法,探索多場復雜環(huán)境下納米傳感結(jié)構內(nèi)部與界面上光子、電子、離子、磁場和壓力等物理量的變化和傳輸規(guī)律,利用精準電路 / 光路等設計方法實現(xiàn)納米尺度多模態(tài)、多維度信號的捕獲、傳輸與解調(diào),實現(xiàn)納米傳感器的智能化;③ 開展多維復雜環(huán)境下,納米傳感器性能科學評估方法、納米感知材料—傳感性能構效關系研究,提升納米傳感器復雜環(huán)境中的可靠性設計與試驗技術,提高探測的穩(wěn)定性和重復性;④ 發(fā)展納米制造工藝和高端納米制造裝備,促進納米傳感器的微型化與集成化。

      7. 極限測量領域


      未來,極限測量技術的研究應重點布局:① 加強極限光譜學研究,特別是超快時間分辨和高空間分辨率、具備實時和原位分析能力的光譜學探針的研究,引導光譜研究方法與納米科學的交叉;②與表界面研究聯(lián)合,進一步發(fā)展空間、時間和能量域下的極限測量方法,實現(xiàn)原子分子尺度的原位、實時和動態(tài)表征;③ 完善現(xiàn)有的掃描探針顯微術,光譜、能譜技術以及理論模擬仿真等平臺的集成,在此基礎上發(fā)展新技術、新方法,最終實現(xiàn)精確結(jié)構分辨下的物理化學性質(zhì)測量;④ 隨著以同步輻射和自由電子激光為代表的大型光子科學裝置的迅速發(fā)展和建設,實現(xiàn)對非模型體系、非晶態(tài)材料的結(jié)構解析和特定元素周圍的電子轉(zhuǎn)移等超快過程探索。

      8. 納米理論研究


      未來,納米理論研究需重點布局:① 發(fā)展快速、準確描述復雜納米體系電子結(jié)構的計算方法,多尺度模擬復雜納米體系在外場下的結(jié)構與性能的動態(tài)響應與演化,實現(xiàn)納米結(jié)構中電子與自旋相互作用的精確描述;② 結(jié)合物理基本原理與機器學習,發(fā)展納米體系設計思路,設計納米材料與結(jié)構實驗,指導實驗研究。

      9. 納米生物醫(yī)學


      未來納米生物醫(yī)學領域的重點布局包括:① 智能納米藥物遞送系統(tǒng)設計及其體內(nèi)代謝與生物相容性的研究;② 納米酶催化模型的建立及催化機理的精確解析,納米酶的理性設計及催化活性的精確評價與調(diào)控;③ 智能納米診療探針的理性設計及組裝制備,開展細胞、活體水平的高分辨、多參數(shù)、多模態(tài)、多維度可視化成像分析,實現(xiàn)針對特定疾病的成像診斷。

      10. 納米技術的變革性應用:納米能源

      我國在硅基光伏面板、LED 照明與顯示、鋰離子電池等方面,具有龐大的市場和完善的產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈,產(chǎn)業(yè)規(guī)模均居于世界前列,有著重要的國際地位,但同時也存在原創(chuàng)技術少,高端制造所需的材料、電子元件與設備“卡脖子”等問題。

      未來需要布局的重點方向:① 改變能源結(jié)構的“綠色”建筑能源。包括基于鈣鈦礦和有機薄膜的建筑光伏,高密度、高安全的樓宇儲能技術,輻射制冷、智能窗材料與技術等。② 未來信息技術與移動裝置的能源系統(tǒng),包括 5G 通信用全固態(tài)鋰電池與相關材料,固態(tài)電容、低溫燒結(jié)陶瓷與納米粉體,以及熱電、壓電、摩擦電等微小能源系統(tǒng)等。



      1.The Development Trend of Nanoscience

      Nanoscience is the masterpiece of interdisciplinary integration, the source of transformative technologies in the future, and the strategic commanding point of international competition. Nanotechnology has driven the rapid development of multiple disciplines and frontier felds, becoming a new engine for scientific development. Various cuttingedge technologies in the 21st century, such as artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things and mobile communication, are based on nanotechnology.

      On the scientifc level, nanoscience brings together scientifc issues at the nanoscale in the felds of chemistry, physics, biology and materials. It has become the most active frontier research feld in modern science, playing an innovative, leading, penetrating and driving role in basic science. Data from Elsevier shows that the output of nanoscience has grown explosively in the past 20 years. The growth rate of nanoscience literature is 3.2 times that of global literature, and the number of scientifc researchers engaged in nano-related research has also increased signifcantly.The integration with nanotechnology drives the development of basic disciplines, andnanoscience literature has covered a wide range of cutting-edge research around the world. In the last fve years, 89% of the most discussed research topics in the world are nano-related.

      On the technical level, nanotechnology has been becoming an important source for technological change and industrial upgrading, and has greatly changed the way of life. It has brought technological innovations such as quantum encryption materials, planetary detection sensors, flexible electronics materials, new semiconductor processing technologies and wearable artificial kidneys. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nanomaterials and technologies have achieved important applications in protective masks, protective clothing, detection reagents. In the next 10 years, nanotechnology will be deeply applied in the felds of information, energy, environment, health and manufacturing, forming a new industry based on nanoscience.

      On the strategic level, major countries (regions) around the world have made arrangements to take nanotechnology as the commanding heights of future competition. Developed countries hope to lead the next industrial revolution through nanotechnology while developing countries take this opportunity to achieve leap-type development. The United States launched the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) at the beginning of the 21st century. The European Union has been deploying basic nanotechnology research in the Framework Program FP6, FP7 and the Horizon Project. Japan has continuously identified nanoscience as a priority area in the 2nd to 5th science and technology basic plan. At present, nanotechnology research in China is one of the most promising fields to achieve spanning development. Therefore, nanotechnology has become a major opportunity for China in basic frontier fields and transformative technologies. China started almost at the same time as the world and has made outstanding achievements after nearly 40 years’development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, research on nanotechnology has achieved many original innovations from basic theories to applied technologies in the fields of epidemic prevention and control, aerospace, national defense and security, etc. The international competitiveness of nanoscience research institutions in China has steadily improved, ranking among the best in the Nature Index.

      General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out on important occasions that the innovative development of nanotechnology has laid an important foundation for China to become a major country with global infuence.

      2. PriorityAreas for Future Development

      1) Field of Advanced Materials

      After decades of rapid development, China has formed a series of typical material systems in the feld of nanomaterials, such as graphyne carbon materials, single-atom catalysts, inorganic two-dimensional materials. Production determines the future, and the discovery of new nanomaterials must rely on the precise design and controllable synthesis of nanoscale structures. With the rapid development of synthetic chemistry and nanometer measurement,the precise design, synthesis and performance exploration of new nanomaterials have become the top priority in the feld of advanced research on materials today.

      2) Cross-scale Domain

      The development of nanoscience and technology began with the study of size effects. So far, semiconductor nanocrystalline systems represented by quantum size effects, and cluster systems with precise atomic structures represented by fullerenes and Au clusters have been developed, and the structure-function relationship has been systematically studied. With the development of emerging felds, such as sub-nanoscale materials and cryo-electron microscopy in recent years, the conditions for conducting cross-scale research have been established. Chinese scientists have a good research foundation for the controlled synthesis and characterization of nanoclusters, the concept of sub-nanoscale materials and synthesis methods.

      3) Self-assembly and Biomimetic Field

      At present, domestic and foreign scientific research institutions are both committed to developing new construction units and assembly methods to regulate the structure and function of hierarchical assemblies in space and time. Research on the controllable synthesis of nanostructured units, self-limiting assembly and patterned design have become advantageous felds in China. In the future, it is expected to realize the production of large-scale self-assembled bodies, applied in a wide range of felds such as micro/nano electronic devices, energy and life sciences. In addition, China’s output scale in the construction of biomimetic materials occupies an absolute leading position in the world. However, to achieve the controllable construction of biomimetic materials and to obtain macro-scale material properties still face great challenges.


      The goal of nano-catalysis is to develop a cross-scale nano-catalytic system that facilitates efcient green synthesis, efcient energy conversion and environmental governance. Innovative research on catalytic materials, systems and mechanisms should be developed to solve issues related to sustainable development of mankind, such as resources, energy, environment and chemical industry. The research of nano-catalysis in China is basically synchronized with the world, leading in several fields such as single-atom catalysis, confinement catalysis, and one-carbon chemical conversion, but lagging behind in the catalyst industry.

      5) Research on Surface and Interface

      The surface and interface structure of nanomaterials has an important infuence on the physical and chemical properties, and is the key to large-scale production of high-quality nanomaterials and the precise control of their properties. There has been a good accumulation of surface and interface studies of nanomaterials in China, and internationally recognized research results have been obtained in such aspects: superwetting nanomaterial interface, nanocrystals with high index crystal surface, interfacial confnement catalysis, surface enhanced spectroscopy, and coordination chemistry of nanomaterial surface.

      6)Nano-devices and Sensing Field

      In terms of nano-devices, optoelectronic technology has developed rapidly since 2000, and has experienced a technological transition from unit devices to large-scale integration. At present, large-scale integrated optoelectronic devices and chips have become one of the most competitive felds in the world and China is facing enormous challenges. Although China has accumulated certain experience and technology in basic unit devices, the comprehensive technology is still very weak. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the research on unit devices and the development of the entire chain of integrated devices in the future, to provide technical reserves for China.

      In terms of sensing technology, nano-sensors have excellent performance such as ultra-high sensitivity, miniaturization, integration, and visibility. The United States and Japan have invested heavily in the development of nano-scale sensing technology. In recent years, the testing demand in public safety, environmental monitoring, biosafety, and industrial/mining enterprise safety is growing rapidly in China, which has made internationally advanced achievements in basic theoretical research in the fields of biological, chemical, and physical sensing of nanomaterials, but is far behind foreign countries in the development of application-oriented nano-sensors.

      7) Extreme Measurement Field

      At present, the research of nanometer extreme measurement has not played its due role in the field of nanoscience, which restricts people’s understanding of various phenomena and mechanisms at the nanometer scale. The characterization method is relatively simple, and the measurement accuracy needs to be improved. For a long time, developed countries have attached great importance to the research of transmission electron microscopy. China also attaches great importance to the research and application of advanced transmission electron microscopy, and has made remarkable achievements in technical development, material structure and personnel training, strongly promoting the development of nanoscience in China. However, there is still a considerable gap in the research and development of high-end electron microscopes, basic theoretical research, and the exploration and application of new characterization techniques.

      8) Nano-theoretical Research

      Electronic structure calculation methods can predict the structure and performance of nanomaterials, understand experimental phenomena and guide experimental research. It plays an important role in nanoscience research. In recent years, China has developed rapidly in nano-theories as well as calculation methods with international infuence. The mechanism of nanostructure catalysis has been revealed, and new concept of nanoelectronics, photoelectric as well as photocatalytic materials have been proposed.

      9) Nano-biomedicine

      Nano-biomedicine includes nano-medicine, nano-diagnosis and molecular imaging, nano-biocatalysis and nano-enzymes, nano-biomaterials, nano-biosensing and detection, nano-biological efects and safety, etc. In recent years, Nanotechnology is more widely applied in the feld of medicine, and the research related to nanobiotechnology has made rapid progress with lots of breakthrough outcomes. Drug delivery and precise treatment of diseases have been the core content and main application of nano-biomedicine research recently, showing a strong tendency of progression.

      10) Revolutionary Applications of Nanotechnology

      The industrial scale of silicon-based photovoltaic panels, LED lighting and displays, lithium-ion batteries and consumer electronics in China is at the forefront of the world due to the huge market and complete industrial chain. But problems, such as lack of original technologies, high-end manufacturing materials, electronic components, and equipment, still exist.

      3.Measures and Safeguards

      In order to strengthen research in nanoscience and accelerate the development of nanoscience disciplines, the following measures are recommended:

      (1) To optimize the distribution of disciplines and reform the evaluation system.

      (2) To integrate scientific research resources and establish a large-scale platform.

      (3) To pay attention to policy linkage and strengthen the talent system.

      (4) To attach importance to basic research and encourage interdisciplinary trials.

      (5) To formulate global strategies and promote international cooperation.

      (6) To open up and reform applications with overall balanced development.

      This book presents the endorsed results of important studies in basic and applied areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It serves as a science policy initiative to the consulting program of NSFC and CAS, addressing the requirements for the medium-term and long-term planning on scientific and technological development. We wish to thank all the participants for their valuable insight and dedicated work in conducting this strategic study of nanoscience. Despite the complete list of the expert panel, the core experts need a specifc introduction here.

      Prof. Yuliang Zhao, the director of this program, is the Director of NCNST and Director of CAS Key Laboratory for Biomedical Efects of Nanomaterials and Nanosafety. He was elected CAS member in 2017 and fellow of TWAS in 2018. He built the worldwide earliest laboratory specifically focusing on the investigation of nanotoxicity in 2001, with an emphasis on the safe and sustainable development of frontier sciences and technologies.Prof. Zhao is the author of over 500 manuscripts and over 26 patents worldwide. His publications have been cited about 37000 times (H-index ca.100) worldwide. Prof. Zhao has greatly contributed to the discovery of novel biochemical properties of materials on nanoscale, the initiation of forefront in multidisciplinary nanosciences, the promotion of nanomedicine application, and the public consciousness for responsible research in China.

      Prof. Jin Zhang, the deputy director of this program, works in the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University. He was appointed Deputy Director of Key Laboratory for the PhysicsandChemistry of Nanodevices in 2003, and Deputy Dean of the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, in 2015. Since 2018, Prof. Zhang has been appointed theDeputy Director of NCNST.

      Prof. Zhiyong Tang joined NCNST in 2006. His research interest focuses on fabrication, assembly and application of inorganic nanomaterials in the feld of energy and catalysis.Prof. Tang used to be Chief Scientist of National Basic Research Program of China as well as Chief Scientist of Innovative Research Group of NSFC. He served as scientific editor of Nanoscale Horizons, associate editor of Materials Today Energy. Prof. Tang became theDeputy Director of NCNST in 2017.

      Prof. Qing Dai joined NCNST in 2012.He is currently Distinguished Professor at CAS and fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the Science and Technology Award for Chinese Youth in 2019. Professor Dai’s research focuses on manipulating the polaritons in nanomaterials to solve the key scientifc problems of photoelectric signal conversion at the micro-nano scale.

      Dr. Shuxian Wu is currently a researcher in NCNST. She provided contributions for the whole program, very much engaged in coordinating, writing and editing, and in pushing everyone along to get the best possible results.

